Who is hownow?

Meet the team behind AI Ops+

Our AI Ops+ Advisors are experienced multimedia creatives, operations managers, designers, developers, and Generative AI + automation geeks.
As creative entrepreneurs, the team at hownow designed the AI Ops+ approach to reliably help clients who were so brilliant at creating… but practically allergic to paperwork, strategic planning, and the doom-or-hype AI news cycle.

They didn’t need to know about 1000+ new AI tools they “could” use to do this or that. They needed to know exactly where and how to adopt AI and automation in their businesses strategically.

And, so did we! That’s why our methodology and suite of services were born.

Our Mission and Vision

We’re on a mission to help make teams’ lives easier. We bathe in the rapid waterfall of progress in AI Operations, and shape what we find into practical and responsible use.

We envision a world where each person equally shares in, and benefits from, responsible AI adoption.

You can read our Responsible Generative AI Policy here.

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We help teams create more, and admin less. How?

  • Personalized Consultations: Tailored advice to align AI with your creative vision.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Custom solutions that make managing projects a breeze.
  • Up-to-date Insights: Cutting-edge strategies that keep you ahead of the curve.
AI-Ops+ will simplify how your business works with tech.

We know this works, because we use it ourselves.

Applying AI Ops+ to our business processes saved us 290+ hours in 2023. That’s more than 36 workdays!

It’s also long enough to binge-watch every single Marvel movie four times. Not that we would know…

Can our AI Ops+ Advisors save you time?

We’ll always help point you in the right direction, either way.